Jun 14 Views (1078) WildStar

WildStar Press Briefing with Jeremy 2013

It is getting more and more near for wildstar online coming out. In a conference, Jeremy told us a lot of information about the game. But still not sure its ingame currency type, many people guess it is called wildstar gold.
About a week before E3, I was told that Carbine wouldn't be making any big announcement at the con. This would be a catch-up conference, and from what I saw, it was mainly aimed at Korean gamers who might not already be familar in the game. I love E3 because of its international setting, and truthfully, even from old news you can usually find some new information if you're careful... or a selfish reporter can snag the question-asking mic two times in one briefing.

Carbine showed a trailer that was released way back in March, except now with Korean subtitles. The combat was a high-level dev Spellslinger with awesome effects, but again, we've seen this class and its spells before. The questions from several of the media audience members of about 60 or 70 of us were the type that you'd probably groan about.
Lots of developer-controlled gameplay. Lots of mobs paid dearly to entertain us, and a vendor was quickly erected to show us that there's more than just killing in the game. The Korean press members were furiously typing, so I think they enjoyed it in their own way, but the rest of us seemed more familiar with the game and just wanted the Q&A.

Carbine is also looking at possibly adding some mobile options to the game, options that either help you play the game or simply add to the WS IP. The servers currently handle about 3.5k-7k players, but what the studio wants is for players to essentially feel as if they're living in small towns and know their communities. Future expansions may take place on the planets or moons around Nexus. The business model reveal is supposedly coming in a few months. And as we knew, there will be an open beta for before release.
After wildstar online come out, will you buy wildstar power leveling service because it can omit you many boring quests. But if you want to enjoy the full game, we suggest you to do all the things by yourselves one by one.