Aug 04 Views (1427) WildStar

Meet With Viktor Lazarin For Science

Here Carbine Studios got a chance to sit down and talk with Victor Lazarin about the online game ,in which Wildstar gold is essential. The Mordesh responsible for creating the "Everlife Eilxir"--and ultimately the "Contagion"--that doomed his people.
Victor himself actually seemed quite calm and collective during the interview, in spite of such a dark past; The Mordesh themselves are highly skilled Alchemists and Scientists, which Victor does not hesitate to point out by laughing at the question he was asked regarding turning lead into gold; stating that such child's play was mastered by his race millennia ago. Well at least we know how they managed to afford all of their costly experiments.

An experiment he poured most of his heart and soul into after his wife passed away giving birth to their daughter--information that was revealed to us in last week's WildStar Wednesday. Unfortunately the Everlife Elixer also doomed his people with the Contagion, a disease that turned the Mordesh into violent "space zombies". But in Viktor's defense, the Everlife Elixir was successful in the sense that it did give his race eternal life. However the Contagion that spread throughout the planet afterward was a hefty price to pay.
In order to combat the Contagion, Victor created the Vitalus Serum which could combat the more deadly side effects of the Contagion. The Vitalus Serum can actually be seen holding some of the Mordesh's more exposed organs in place and fits inside a casing that gets attached to the armor.
Be sure to check out the full Victor Lazarin interview and keep an eye on WildStar games,where there are plenty of wonderfulness waiting for you ,especially with Wildstar power leveling service.