Jul 06 Views (1174) WildStar

Players Created Addons and Mods of WildStar Online

At the beginning of 2013, the carbine team said they would do something on the creation of user developed UI mods. And now the players will have at their disposal and also highlights the first-ever WildStar mods to come out of the game's closed beta.

Players will have access to a development tool known as Houston, which allows players to "easily create own addons to extend WildStar's UI, as well as providing full access to all of the Carbine-authored source code.

One of the players has already put Houston through its paces, and she has the honor of being the developer of WildStar's first UI mods, which range from a group-finding tool to a roleplaying mod library. She also got a lot of wildstar gold at the same time.

Another player said: Many years ago, I was playing WoW and an add-on came out called AVR that allowed some of the same functionality of WildStar's telegraph system in that it showed you exactly where "the bad fire" in raids/dungeons ended and where you were safe. This add-on was so offensive to Blizzard that they rewrote their code to break it in a subsequent patch.

You could make an argument that connecting your UI to move with the game world breaks that line of what is acceptable, but how far can you take that? Could you superimpose a "derp jpg" over every rival characters face, change the color of the telegraphs away from red/blue, or install a 3d overlay around your character to display resource nodes in a zone? How much tinkering on their system will they allow until it is no longer just a "User Interface" mod?

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