Final Fantasy XIV Preparing for Launch

Almost two years after it was announced, the launch of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is almost here. I've enjoyed my time in the closed beta weekends leading up to this point, but now that Beta Phase 4 is letting everyone in for the weekend, many of you will see Eorzea for the first time. You also can buy Final Fantasy XIV Gil as the game playing requires.

I didn’t get to play Final Fantasy XIV: Realm Reborn again

I enjoyed playing the beta for FFXIV: Realm Reborn.It’s fun, addictive, and beautiful,especially by FFXIV Power leveling service ,faster updating of the game can be experienced.However, I also told you about the issues with Square Enix’s account management and communication.

FFXIV: ARR Open Beta Error 3102 arouse anger from Thousands of Players

Last night while enjoying Final Fantasy XIV,of which Final Fantasy XIV Gil is the virtual currency, my playtime was halted by a disconnection from the server.

You can use Wildstar gold to buy Subscription Time

Do you believe that you can use in game currency to exchange game subscription time? Well, this will come true in Wildsar Online. You will be able to use wildstar gold to buy game subscription.

Final Fantasy XIV taking into account a flying mount in their next expansion

One thing every MMO player looks for in a game is what kind of mounts are available.Several mounts have already been revealed in Final Fantasy XIV of which FFXIV Gil is the main game currency. Well, what about a flying mount? Can we expect one such mount at some point?

Warlock Is Kanrethad too strong

Hello fellow players of this awesome game. I was one of the first players on my realm to get the quest item for the warlock green fire quest. I choose to wait a day because I knew it was hard really hard.

Warlock Fire

We’ve acquired a few additional insight about what exactly lies behind the word “hope” with respect to our efforts to achieve green fire for warlocks. In essence, we want this updated information out so that we can better manage expectations, especially as the announcement created such a flurry of excitement.

Ranking The Final Fantasy Games

One of the greatest gaming series of all time is Final Fantasy,a universally recognizable entity, spawning spin-off action games, movies and more.Everything about what makes the series great cannot be beat in the rest of the RPG genre. From the gameplay to the storytelling, music and the different art styles; each new game is vastly different from its predecessor.

The Class is Greener on the other Flame

Truly, the fel fire is something that should have been in the game for a long time, but I am not sure if Blizzard had decided that demonic fire was green until they began developing Burning Crusade, and by then the warlock class and their normal red fire was already in game.


ZAM has united with XIVDB to ensure that Final Fantasy fans have all the tools, stats and resources they need at their fingertips ready for launch.From a comprehensive list of in-game items to a quick reference guide to all the skills available for each primary and secondary class.

A Realm Reborn events has you fight alongside Lightning

We may not see many Final Fantasy games make their way to PC (though, we are starting to get something of their back catalogue) but Square Enix are meeting us halfway and including content from previous games in the next iteration to grace our platform,

The Open Beta of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will start today

The opening beta of FFXIV ARR will open at 2AM PST. Are you ready to obtain the ffxiv gil now? If you want to get the earlier access, make sure that you have fulfilled the following conditions.
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