Jun 01 Views (1187) Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes Prequel - The Chronicles of Doom

The story of Marvel Heroes revolves around Dr. Doom, who has managed to obtain the Cosmic Cube.The story in Marvel Heroes revolves around tracking down Doom and discovering just what he plans to do with the Cube, an object of unparalleled power!
In the Chronicles of Doom, you will discover what Doom has been up to before the events of Marvel Heroes, in a fully illustrated and voiced motion comic.

There are 3 parts of the Chronicles of Doom.
Part 1 was written by Brian Michael Bendis, penciled by Lee Garbett and inked/colored by Chris Sotomayor. Part 2 was written by Brian Michael Bendis, penciled by Ron Lim and inked/colored by Chris Sotomayor.Part 3 was written by Brian Michael Bendis, penciled by Ron Lim and inked/colored by Chris Sotomayor.
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