Jul 08 Views (1488) Firefall

Firefall’s Pleasant Void: Cerrado Plains

Firefall will start its opening beta soon in the next few days. All firefall players must be ready to play it, we will prepare enough firefall gold then for all of you to buy any game items you want to get in the game.

Before this opening beta, we would like to introduce the Cerrado Plains in Firefall.

Cerrado Plains was part of a larger wildlife preserve. Green grass and rolling hills dotted a landscape that saw all manners of wildlife roaming free from hunters or outside human interference. It served as home to dozens of endangered or threatened species of wildlife, which were always being studied from afar.

Walking up the dirt road gives me an incredible view of the Melding Wall. It would be awe-inspiring if not for the fact that it’s slowly choking the life from this world. Even then, I can take a moment to appreciate that it is a very pretty life-suffocating wall of deadly alien gas – but I still opt to avoid it as I make my way to the crest of the hill. Reaching the tipping point, I look outward at the expansive valley, and I spot something that I would have never have expected.

My feet ache from the abnormal amount of walking I’ve been doing over the past few days. I wouldn’t have thought that I’d miss my Chopper as much as I do, but now that my toes feel like they’re exploding in fire with each step I would give almost anything to have something with a motor. Oh well.

Eventually I enter a small clearing near the shack. The surrounding area looks as if somebody had tried to build a community here, but abandoned it not too long after. Two half-constructed shacks sit across the street from the larger hut, which I learn isn’t a hut at all but rather an Accord outpost. The large “United Armies of the Accord” banner slapped on the front of the building makes it fairly obvious what this place is, as does the surrounding area looks as though people had tried to build a community here, but abandoned their efforts.

The whole process is long and tiring, but we can do firefall power leveling for you to help you get through it in the shortest time. All you need to do is to send the payment and then waiting for the high levels on your toon.