Aug 05 Views (1399) Final Fantasy XIV

The Benchmark Tool is available in Final Fantasy XIV ARR

After the release date of FFXIV ARR has been disclosed which will be on August 27th, today, another news of FFXIV has come out that is a Benchmark Tool is available in this game which will let you easier to get ffxiv gil.

The benchmark software also comes with a character creation tool, and it’s there for those of us who spend hours tweaking the smallest of details on our characters. If you spent any amount of time in the beta for Final Fantasy XIV, you can import your character to see them in the cutscene that the benchmark runs.

Now Square Enix has released a benchmark tool ahead of the rebirth of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. It’s there to show you how well the game can run on your computer—or whether it’ll run at all.

One of the players commented as this: “No parties outside of dunegons because there’s zero challenge in the shared world…” – Where are you getting this from? The “Beta” had parties formed inside and outside the “shared” world… I know I did plenty of it. As someone that played version 1.0 and now this version, there is a significant difference between the two games, and this one is much more user friendly.
Another one said: I give credit to the developers for anticipating this waste of time in an MMO and actually doing something about it… now-a-days people work, go to school, have other extracurricular activities outside of the house which do not allow them x number of hours to spend in an MMO running between zones.

Nothing can stop its opening no matter you like it or not. And FFXIV Power leveling will become a very popular service among the ffxiv players because it can make their charactors get a high level in the shortest time.