Aug 10 Views (1070) Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV beta phase 4 begins on August 17th

The latest live letter of Final Fantasy XIV ,whose virtual currency is called Final Fantasy XIV Gil, included some pretty big news for the community: the dates of the last beta phase and early access. Beta phase 4 will run from August 17th until the 19th (with previous participants welcomed starting on the 16th) and early access for preorders and Legacy subscribers running from the 24th through the 26th.

All progress made during phase 4 will carry over to full release. The transcript of the live letter also includes more interesting tidbits such as confirmation that Arcanist will not be the only class with multiple jobs. Keep an eye on the transcript for more information as the letter progresses.We believe that more surprising playing is waiting. Besides,you also can buy FFXIV Power leveling service to enjoy more.